Hungry Bear Media | Hannah Breheny
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Hannah Breheny

Senior Talent Producer

Hannah got her first TV gig a decade ago (back when everyone had a Blackberry and no one really knew what an ‘Instagram’ was) kicking things off in editorial before moving across to the world of talent a few years later.

Since 2014, she has been involved in producing many of Hungry Bear’s biggest hits, securing a huge array of celebrity guests across shows such as Michael McIntyre’s Big Show, All Round To Mrs. Browns, Take Off with Bradley and Holly, Romesh’s Look Back To The Future and Michael McIntyre’s The Wheel.

Hannah is hugely passionate about delivering the very best talent and bringing out the best in them – whether they’re sneaking into houses to play gameshows in the dead of night, chatting to hologram versions of themselves, performing their next number 1 hit, or spinning around a super-sized roulette machine! No matter the production, Hannah will always give her all to support the editorial ambition and ensure talent have a great experience.

She will also choreograph (and star in) team music performances at wrap parties, despite literally no one asking her to nor wanting to watch it.